Tuesday 28 May 2024

Please help Nabil save his family from Gaza

Nabil is someone I have known from Gaza for several years. I can vouch for his character, he is a kind, gentle good person; he has never hurt anyone in his life, he has done everything he can to help others, but now it is him who needs help. 

A few years ago Nabil had the chance to go to South America to study for his Masters, unfortunately he wasn't able to raise enough funds, so he stayed in Gaza, but he wasn't bitter as he met the love of his life, and they married and started a life together. They had a beautiful little girl, Lily, then just before the war broke out, they had their second child, Mohammed. 

Nabil lived in the North of Gaza, in the Jabalia camp. They left their home, which has now been completely destroyed, as you can see from the photos, and now Nabil and his family are forced to live in a tent. They have been forced to move 10 times, at one point, they were trapped in the Al-Amal hospital for 20 days, where Israel wouldn't allow them to have food and water. It was a miracle they survived! 

People don't understand that the tents they live in, they have to pay for themselves. Nabil has lost almost everything. His home, his money, his income. All he has is his beautiful family, and he is struggling to keep them safe. The real reason why Israel keeps moving the Palestinians, is to humiliate them, to make them feel worthless. This is wrong, every life has a soul, and every soul is precious. Everyone has the right to live in safety, free from bombs, mass murder and ethnic cleansing. Nabil is someone who used to dress up in funny clothes to visit sick children in hospital when he was younger. He cared for his elderly parents. He deserves so much more in life. Please help him raise the money he needs to get his family out of Gaza and into safety. 

Please donate what you can, or if you're unable to donate please say a prayer for them, and share this post


Sunday 5 May 2024

Help save a family from Gaza.


Sadly there are now many people who need to leave Gaza because it is in complete ruins. No Palestinian wants to leave their home or land, many want to fight, but in reality, an unarmed person cannot fight against bombs or weapons that can cause mass destruction. Quite often the only thing you can do is leave, go to a safe place and protect yourself and your family. Some times in life, we have to fight in a different way, we have to fight smart. 

The people who choose to leave are brave. They know if they stay, they face almost certain death, but if they leave and go somewhere new to restart and rebuild their lives, they're giving their children the chance of growing up in peace. They're giving their family the chance of freedom. I believe that we must do everything that we can to protect and support as many families as we can. 

Kamal is someone I have known for a long time, so long I consider him as family. Kamal is desperately trying to save his family, trying to raise the money to help his family escape. Kamal went to study in Turkey, and all his family are still living in Gaza, he has young relatives who are asking him, why can't they be with him, away from the bombs? Please help if you can, either with a small donation (every little helps), or by sharing this post and saying a prayer. We have a moral duty, and a duty of care to do everything that we can to save as many people as we can. Every Palestinian life is a precious beautiful soul that has a right to live, a right to exist. 


Sunday 31 December 2023

Goodbye 2023


As we say goodbye to 2023 I give my voice to the children of Gaza, and call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire now.

Saturday 30 December 2023

Israel's Christmas gift to the Palestinians


Israel made it clear what it's Christmas gifts for Palestinians was, you even had the President signing some of the gifts. This Christmas Israel raided parts of the West Bank, Jenin, Nablus and even Bethlehem! They bombed a 600 year old monastery in South Lebanon, none of these places are ruled / governed by Hamas, the ones Israel claims to be at war with. They also bombed Jabaliya refugee camp, for the fifth time. Massacred 100 people at Maghazi camp, killed 160 babies, and announced plans to occupy Egypt's Rafah border. 

On top of that you had the IDF murder 2 Palestinian Christian women inside the Holy Family (Catholic compound) parish in Gaza. An IDF soldier shot dead an elderly woman, Nahida Khalil Anton, and then shot dead her daughter, Samar Anton, who rushed to try to save her mother. Seven more people were wounded trying to protect each other in the church. The IDF just entered the compound situated in Northern Gaza, without warning and with no notification and just started shooting people in cold blood! The Pope condemned the attack by the IDF and called it terrorism. 

The IDF had also targeted the convent in the compound by firing tank missiles at it. They destroyed the compounds generator and fuel supplies, which resulted in a fire which destroyed solar panels and water tanks, that were needed for the community. The home is now uninhabitable and 54 disabled people are now displaced, some will die because they needed respirators. There was around 600 people taking shelter there, many of them went there after the Greek orthodox church was bombed, the 3rd oldest church in the world, killing 18, of which 9 were children. 

Most people didn't realise there was a Christian community in Gaza. They believed the lies Israel told them, they claimed Hamas kicked out the Christians, that was a lie, there are several hundred. The numbers have been declining but that's due to Israel, not Hamas. Why do you think the Christian and Muslim communities in other parts of Palestine are speaking out for them?  

While Americans and Europeans, my lot, are singing about love, forgiveness and peace, celebrating the birth of Jesus, in a land far away. They're sending bombs and supporting war, which is death and destruction in the very same part of the world that Jesus was born. They are supporting the murder of the babies and children who are of the same ethnicity as Jesus himself was! Even the Pope called for a ceasefire, and called the children of Gaza, "the little Jesuses of today". 

On hearing of the attack on the Gaza Catholic church by the IDF, the Archbishop of Westminster said he was 'heart broken', he went on to say, "The attack by the IDF gives a picture of a seemingly deliberate and callous killing by the IDF soldiers of innocent civilians, an elderly woman and her daughter. The killing has to stop, it can never be justified".

Gaza's children have been through too much, seen too much. Let them be children. Don't Palestinian children have the right to be children? We know that most of the people who are silent are sellouts, they're more concerned with their popularity. They are spineless and weak, and most of the people who are speaking out for Israel are sellouts too, as most of them have been paid. They've become the modern day Judas Iscariot's of today. They've taken their 30 pieces of silver and turned a blind eye to the slaughter of innocent people, they're enabling Israel to kill thousands of 'little Jesuses'. 

If you believe in God, you believe He is everywhere, all knowing, all seeing. But where does He dwell? How do you hear His call to you? I believe with my whole heart that you will find God dwelling with the poor, the oppressed, the victims, the dying, the diseased, the lonely, the grieving. You won't find him dwelling with the corrupt politicians, or the multimillionaires, or the celebrities or influencers. And you can hear him calling out to you everyday in the cries of the poor, the oppressed, the lonely etc...etc....Your test is to answer His call!

Sunday 24 December 2023

Christmas 2023 - A sombre time


For Christians Christmas is a time for celebrating the birth of Jesus, it's not his birthday, just the date they use to celebrate his birth. Christians see it as a time for sharing with others, giving gifts and working for peace and good harmony.

Sadly the very place where Jesus was born, where he grew up, where he preached and taught people to be good, is the very place where thousands of people are being murdered and slaughtered. This is supposed to be a time of peace, love and happiness, but how can we be happy seeing beautiful innocent children being brutally murdered in their thousands, how can we celebrate love with such evil in the world. Seeing children crying because they've been left orphans, seeing children's whole bodies shaking because they're suffering from shock. How can we celebrate or be happy when we're watching mother's crying over the bodies of their dead children? How can we celebrate when fathers are digging the rubble of their family home trying to reach their children. Even the animals in the Zoo have gone crazy from the constant carpet bombing.

This Christmas is not a time to celebrate, it is a time to reflect. If you're a Christian, you need to ask yourself what would Jesus do? How would he handle this? Remember that Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers", he also said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". Seeing this mass slaughter of innocence, I believe Jesus would be telling us to fight to stop the killings. We have a moral duty to not only protect the children, but to protect every single man, woman and child in Gaza, and in all of Palestine. We also have to remember and pray for others in need to. Like in Sudan, Yemen, the Congo, Ukraine, Myanmar. We should be fighting for justice, peace and equality for everyone.

This is a very sombre Christmas for me. I am deeply saddened, upset and worried about my Palestinian friends, who are suffering so much, but I wish them and all of you peace and love, and all the people who have been killed we will never forget you, we will honour your memory. Peace to everyone, including the departed souls. Christmas 2023.

Saturday 23 December 2023

Happy birthday Khaled and Reem

 Today is the shared birthday of Khaled and Reem. There are no words to say, Khaled described Reem as, "The soul of my soul", Reem would have turned 4 years old today. Khaled thanked everyone who prayed for or cried for Reem. This man is full of love, even with a broken heart he thanked people. Today is their day. Rest in peace Reem, and we call for a permanent ceasefire, so no more innocent people have to die.