Why do bullies bully? There are two types of bullies; you
have the ‘popular’ bullies and the ‘wannabe popular’ bullies. Some bullies are
the popular kids; these bullies want to stay popular, so they pick out someone
who is different and try to make them as small and unhappy as possible. This
makes them feel ‘big’ and ‘tough’; they do this to impress their followers, in
the hope to show off their strength and try to remain the most popular; just
like the animals do, they want to be the strongest (most dominant) member of
the pack.
The second type of bully is the ‘wannabe popular’ bully.
Sometimes these bullies are worse than the ‘popular’ bullies. The ‘wannabe
popular’ bully will do anything to belong in the popular group, or anything to
impress the popular bully or any of his/her followers. The easiest way for them
to impress the other bullies is to attack who they see as the weakest
(smallest); the more pain they inflict on the victim the more they feel they impress
the popular bully / group. These bullies will even tell complete lies about the
victim, claiming all sorts of things, saying that the victim has been seen
doing this and that and either they have witnessed it or they know someone who
has; but in actual fact it is all lies. They are just desperate to impress the
bigger bullies. This is just what gossips do!
Lisa-Lee has had to deal with both types of bullies in her
childhood and adulthood; Lisa-Lee used to think that the older bullies are not
as vicious because there is less violence involved with the bullying; but the
saying ‘sticks and stones may break my bones but words cannot hurt me’ is utter
rubbish! Adult bullies are just as bad, maybe even worse because they should
know better! Words hurt!
People have a habit of not being very nice in life; if they
see someone who is a bit different they can turn on them; it can be someone’s
skin colour, size, voice, even something as trivial as what a person is
wearing; that is all it takes for people to attack other people. Lisa-Lee has
had to deal with a huge level of abuse from everyday people just because of her
size and medical condition. If you don’t understand something, try to learn
from it, would you spit at a burns victim? Lisa-Lee has had people come and
spit in her face and much much worse; these people don’t even know her, they
just attack her (and some have even tried to ruin her career) because she is ‘different’.
Lisa-Lee is different because of a medical condition she was born with, she had
no say in this, it just happened, not everybody is born the same way, some
people in life are different, but they are still human beings; they have a heart and
soul, and most importantly, they have feelings!
If you are a gossip and you judge other people, then you are
a bully, and bullies are animals. Always remember, words hurt!