Thursday, 24 December 2020
Merry Christmas - 2020
Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, full of love, peace, good health and happiness.
Friday, 12 June 2020
One act of kindness
One act of kindness can change the world. Not necessarily for everyone, but for that one person. To value human life is the greatest act of kindness we can do for each other. Be kind.
Saturday, 6 June 2020
All Black Lives Matter
I haven't posted regarding the Black Lives Matter campaign, demonstrationss or protests because I've felt that a lot of it is more so about people letting off steam because of the lockdown. I don't feel that everyone who is involved with the protests are genuine. I think a lot of people are angry but not because of their love for their brother or sister, but because they're frustrated over the lockdown and the difficulties its brought. Although I have to state that a lot of people who are protesting are genuine. They do care about black people getting treated unfairly. Police brutality is wrong. But can you imagine if this was the reaction every time an innocent person was mistreated or killed! That would be true people power, and the world would be an amazing place to live if all life was treated as sacred. ☆☆☆**
I will admit that I'm one of those people who would say 'Black lives matter', but I would add, 'All lives matter', and I've read people posting things calling people like me a racist and saying I don't understand the situation. There's a video of a Christian man saying, we shouldn't be saying all lives matter because that's obvious, if that was the case then we shouldn't be needing to say 'Black lives Matter' in the year 2020, but he feels we should be shouting out 'Black lives matter', because its that group of people who are suffering right now, and they need our support the most. I'd say to him, 'No, you're missing the point', and I'll explain why in the next paragraph. Additionally another man said, by saying 'All lives matter', instead of just 'Black lives matter', its the same as telling the fire department to hose down all the houses in a neighbourhood because one house was on fire, because all houses matter', he too is wrong and missing the point. You'd only hose down all the houses that were on fire, not all houses. Sometimes if houses are attached you do have to hose down the neighbours house too, to stop the fire from spreading. It's not just the black community who are suffering right now! Additionally a'll the people who say everyone who doesn't agree with their opinion is a racist and try to turn every issue into racism, they need to start understanding that they're doing more harm than good. They are not helping the cause at all, they're helping to create more hate and more racism!☆☆☆**
The hashtag shouldn't be #BLM but #ABLM (All Black Lives Matter). You cannot say black lives matter if you're homophobic or transphobic or anti any other group of people, because you cannot say black lives matter except for these certain groups. It's either all or none! We are not free from inequality or oppression or acts of brutality and hate until everyone is free from it. That's why I disagree with that Christian man and why I feel its important to say, #ABLM / All Black Lives Matter. And that's because 'All Lives Matter. ☆☆☆**
It shouldn't matter what colour you are, all life is precious whether you're black and live in the USA, or if you live in Yemen, Syria, Hong Kong, Palestine, Israel or Mexico. All Lives matter. We can only end inequality, oppression and brutality by caring for each other more, by valuing each other more, by loving each other more, that's what humanity is about. We are capable of so much love, kindness and good, but we can only do this if we value all human life. All Black Lives Matter, and All Lives Matter.
Friday, 22 May 2020
Should we still be clapping the NHS?
I found this article interesting because an NHS doctor is saying he/she has had enough of people clapping for them every Thursday. I'm glad a doctor has said all this because I was feeling guilty for thinking the same thing. Yes it was good to clap for them the first week, and maybe to of done it two or three times, but now it seems a little disingenuous to me, and I feel bad for thinking like this.
You have thousands of people going to the beaches, ignoring the social distancing rules, but most of those people are the ones who are out every Thursday evening clapping for the NHS staff at 8pm. Some of the people who are out clapping for the NHS staff are also some of the people who voted for Brexit because they didn't want forgeiner coming to the UK, but the majority of NHS staff are foreigners, so are these people only really clapping for the British NHS staff? Where is the outrage that the shitty British government have shown complete disregard and disrespect for foreigner NHS staff, by making them pay extra money to be treated by the NHS if they or their family become ill. These people are not only saving the lives of British people, they're also stopping the NHS from collapsing. Additionally if one of these foreigner NHS staff members dies from the virus their families could still be deported from the UK, even though a family member had given their life on the so-called front line!
That's another thing that annoys me, government officials calling it the frontline. They're doing this just to distract people's attention from the real issues, it also makes the NHS staff feel guilty about complaining about work conditions and working hours, it also tries to use their guilt saying its their patriotic duty to go to work and risk their lives for an ungrateful UK government, reminds me of the first world war, ironically known as the Great War (there was nothing great about fighting and millions of people dying) when they made the young men run across no man's land, just to be shot dead, and why are they' calling the NHS staff or anyone else essential workers? It's because calling them essential workers sounds so much better than calling them sacrificial workers!
Additionally why are so many people cooking for the NHS staff? Why are so many take aways and restaurants sending them food? I feel guilty for thinking like this but the thing I find more shocking is, why isn't the hospital's canteen open for them? Why haven't the government arranged to feed their 'essential' workers who are on the frontline, their so-called soldiers? I could understand chefs going in and using the hospital's kitchens to cook something special for them, to say thank you, but I find it bizarre that they're getting food donations. Surely it would be better to give the food to families in the local area who are struggling, that would make more sense. Again I think this comes down to people hearing words like frontline staff, they're making you all feel guilty and people want to show their gratitude to these 'soldiers', but let's be clear. This isn't really a war or battlefield, these words are used to distract you from the real issues and stop you from complaining. Let's not forget that these people, who are doing an amazing job, like they always do, are getting paid! They haven't lost their job or income like thousands of others have, so maybe it would be better if food was shared more in the local communities, so people really did feel like they were in this together. You could say the food donation is in honour of the NHS and NHS staff, wouldn't that be a better way of thanking them?
And lastly, why are we donating to the NHS? They're not a charity. Where is all this money going? Remember the NHS isn't a privilege, its a right! It's our right to free healthcare that we've paid for through our taxes, and the NHS has the right to be funded properly by the government. Now tell me, am I a terrible person for thinking all of this?
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Anne Boleyn
On this day, 19th May 1536, some 484 years ago, Anne Boleyn was executed at the Tower of London. Anne was found guilty of adultery, incest, witchcraft and treason (to name a few); she was the second wife of King Henry VIII.
The execution consisted on a single stroke by a French executioner. Anne has been called 'The most influential and important queen consort England has ever had. After the execution her ladies in waiting wrapped her head and body, then placed them in an elm chest which had once contained bow staves (whatever they are 😁).
Although Anne Boleyn was a queen, she was given no funeral and no proper burial, she had been executed as a traitor to the crown and her body was treated as such. Anne's body was buried in an unmarked grave in the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula (at the Tower of London). Although Anne's grave is now mentioned/identified on the marble floor of the Chapel; there are rumours that her body was taken and secretly buried in another church, but these are unproven rumours.
Some historians say Anne had the last laugh, because she gave birth to Queen Elizabeth I, one of England's greatest and most successful monarchs of all time. Queen Elizabeth I was known as the 'Virgin Queen', and on the death of Queen Elizabeth I, it was discovered that Queen Elizabeth I had made an alteration to her ring, she had added a small portrait of her mother Anne Boleyn.
That ends the history lesson for today 😁😃 - R.I.P Anne Boleyn.
Wednesday, 13 May 2020
UK - Schools
So here in the UK. The Education Secretary, who is in charge of schools and education, was in Parliament today sayng the plans for reopening the schools in the UK are backed by medical and scientific advice! Would these be the same government scientists who advised on getting 60% of the UK population infected with the Covid-19 virus to achieve herd immunity! They actually advised Herd immunity on a new virus they knew nothing about! They didn't, and still don't know if you become immune from the virus after getting it! And If you do get immunity from it, they don't even know how long your immunity lasts for!
Because of these so-called experts we have the second highest death toll in the world! These so-called experts now want to use your children as guinea pigs, can you trust them after they've just sacrificed your elderly relatives? Thank God in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland we're taking a different approach to England!
Thursday, 7 May 2020
So many people are complaining about the lockdown (quarantine), and they're finding life difficult. Remember your lockdown / quarantine is very short term, can you imagine spending most of your life like that! Freedom is a right for every living creature. I include the people of Gaza (Palestine) in this statement. One thing I hope this virus leaves behind once it's gone is kindness. Kindness for our fellow human beings, and kindness for every living creature on this Earth ❤
We are custodians of this beautiful planet, not the owner's, and so far we've been doing a pretty bad job of looking after the planet, and each other, but we'll be given another chance soon. Don't screw it up this time!
Saturday, 2 May 2020
Conspiracy theories
Thought I'd annoy a few people and talk about so-called 'Woke' people and conspiracy theories. I agree with one thing and that is that we're not always told the truth, quite often we're lied to and told fake stories, sometimes to allow governments or other organizations to do something or get away with something. You then have all these so-called 'woke' people shouting out, 'that's a lie, what's really going on is this crazy idea'. You then call all the people who believe the government's lie 'sheep', people who will believe and follow the government's lies! You DO this while being 'sheep like' yourself and blindly following certain crazy conspiracy theories. Have any of you so called clever and woke people ever considered that some of the conspiracy theories (and theorists) are coming from the government too! Maybe they're coming from the same place, its the perfect psychological thing to do. The government know that not everyone will buy into their lie, they also know that most people think everything is black or white, so to control you they'll put out a crazy story too, known as a conspiracy theory! This is to keep you away from the real truth!
This post is aimed at all the patronising so-called woke people, to tell you, you're not as clever as you think you are. Everything comes down to psychology and mind games. You're all getting played! Let me use my diagram / image to explain. Something happens and the government say it's 'A', this is what happened, but then you'll get all the conspiracy theorists shouting out, no that's a lie, its really 'B', don't be like sheep and follow the government, be clever, be like me, be a deep thinker! Most people are going to believe its A or B, but in actual fact the truth is 'C', but the government must keep you away from C at all costs, so they create their own conspiracy theories, they use people that they've planted to spread the two lies.
To most of the Woke people, I've got something to tell you, you're being played! You're not Woke, your sheep just like all the others. Use your brains, think logically, if something doesn't completely add up then it's probably not true. Those people who spread conspiracy theories, maybe they're part of the government, working for them to create an alternative story, to keep you away from the real truth. It seems all that has to happen today is, you ban/delete/lose a few of the videos that contain some conspiracy theories and everyone thinks, look it must be true because they're trying to silence us and hide what we're saying! But its basic psychology and they've done that just so you'll think it must be true, you see it as a sign, but in reality its just a game! Truths are buried much deeper than most people realise.
Sunday, 26 April 2020
I constantly keep seeing people posting things like, if this covid-19 Coronavirus is so dangerous how come soap can kill it! People need to understand that this virus is very dangerous and can kill, and people need to understand that soap does NOT KILL this virus.
I repeat, soap does NOT kill this virus. The Coronavirus is made up of proteins and lipids and what the soap does is act like washing up liquid does; it breaks down the bonds of proteins and lipids and prevents them from attaching (clinging / sticking) to surfaces, like your skin. So the soap removes the virus from you but does not kill it, just like washing up liquid removes grease and dirt from your dishes.
Soap only removes the virus, it does NOT kill it!
Thursday, 16 April 2020
Sunday, 5 April 2020
Never ignore your neighbours suffering
We should never ignore the plight or suffering of others because sooner or later we all experience the same fears!
Sunday, 29 March 2020
Thursday, 26 March 2020
UK lockdown - quarantine
Tuesday morning I, along with everyone else in the UK, who has a mobile (cell) phone, received this text message.
Sunday, 8 March 2020
Here are some facts about the Coronavirus and other outbreaks we've faced. People need to stop worrying and panicking. We live in a world of 7 billion, and the number of people infected isn't even anywhere near 1%, plus the majority of people who get it fully recover. We just need to be careful we don't spread it to more vulnerable people. We need to look out for each other. Stop worrying and look after yourself better. We're all going to die one day, but for now, let's live ❤❤
Friday, 6 March 2020
Wigs for Gaza.
I have been doing a small simple act for the women of Gaza / Palestine for a few years now. Because I work in opera we got lots of good quality wigs for the shows, but regularly the wigs get replaced with new ones, occasionally I buy a few new ones and I recycle some of the stage prop wigs. I pay to get them cleaned and if they're still in good condition I sent these wigs off to Gaza for cancer patients.
I never realised just how important this simple act is. Lots of women (and men and children) can't get the cancer treatment they need, but some of the luckier ones do, but they don't receive the best cancer treatments that are available in other countries. Some of the women who have cancer lose their hair due to the treatment, this can be devastating to the women, but they're all brave enough to deal with this, but sadly most of the women are young and have young children, and its their young children who struggle here. The children can find it very distressing and upsetting to see their mother's hair fall out, so the simple gift of a wig brings lots of comfort to these mother's and their children. The mother's are also able to cope better not seeing their children upset and distressed.
In the past I've had nasty, dumb comments from people saying it shouldn't bother Muslim women because they wear a hijab/head scarf! Well there's two things to remember, number one not all people in Gaza / Palestine are Muslim, some are Christian. And secondly, not all Muslim women wear a hijab / head scarf, and the ones who do, don't wear it 24 hours a day, they wear them out in public, but not all the time at home.
I will be sending these wigs off soon. I hope this post helps people see that just little acts of kindness can change a person's life, sometimes a whole family can benefit from something small that might even appear trivial.
Sunday, 1 March 2020
Thursday, 27 February 2020
Love never gets old
Love never gets old
It never gets tired or angry
It never hurts or causes upset
It longs to comfort and protect
It will protect its recipient till the very end
And it never dies
It carries forward for an eternity.
It shines like the brightest stars on a clear night
The greater the love, the brighter the star.
Saturday, 8 February 2020
Friday, 31 January 2020
Saying goodbye to the EU
Today isn't a good day for the UK as today is the day we officially leave the EU. I for one, will not be celebrating this terrible decission, we will lose so many rights and freedoms, mostly because a group of people in the UK don't like foreigners and believe the EU is the root cause for problems in the UK. They don't have the sense to realise its their own government's austerity cuts, and these have nothing to do with the EU.
The sad thing about Brexit is that it will be people like me, who wanted to remain; we are now going to have to work ten times harder to make our own work and lives successful, and we are the ones who'll have to work even harder to help other people and try to stop this Brexit madness from being an even bigger disaster. We remainers will also get the blame when the dumb leavers start seeing what they've lost, and when the cost of living goes up.
I'm assuming that the lazy British workers, who are on social benefits are all going to now come off benefits and do the minimum wage hard work labour jobs that the hard working EU nationals used to do. Some British job seekers claimed there were no jobs because the Eastern Europeans were coming over and taking all the jobs. But the real reason is these jobs were hard work and low paid, and they were too lazy to do them, so they'd blame the foreigners and say they're taking the jobs. Now they can't do that, I assume they'll be queuing up to 'take back' these jobs that were stolen from them!
I too have lost out on work because of Brexit. An opera company that wanted to work with me in the UK, wanted to invest in the UK. They wanted to set up a business over here, they'd been planning on it for over three years, but decided to wait until this Brexit mess was sorted. They were hoping it wouldn't happen, but now because it is happening they've decided not to invest in a new business in the UK! This is the reality of Brexit.
Wednesday, 8 January 2020
Try to learn and remember that fear is not real. Next time you're afraid, try to tell yourself that the fear is just something in your head, something you created to stop yourself from going outside your own comfort zone! This is something I'm teaching myself this year too ❤
Friday, 3 January 2020
2020 - New Years Resolutions
Happy New Year everyone. 2020 has arrived and so far its been horrible. My mother was unusually sober over most of Christmas, until New Years eve, then she hit the bottle and so far she's being her usual horrible aggressive drunken self; full of the usual self pity and her hate and anger is aimed at me. 2019 was hard for me but I managed to understand myself better. I finally realised that I 'go wrong' because I try to be like everyone else, but I'm going to embrace my uniqueness. I am a misfit and I like being a misfit.
In 2019 I was diagnosed with Autism. I have kept this to myself, I'm not telling any of my family yet. I'll tell them and everyone else when I feel ready. All my life I've been called difficult and hard work, but I'm not. I just had different /unusual needs and habits. All my life I've been punished and hurt for not fitting in, for not being like everyone else, and I too have been trying to force myself to be like everyone else, but not anymore.
For 2020 I am not making any new years resolutions, other than being kinder to myself. I will also embrace myself and accept myself. I realise that Autism is more of a gift than a curse. Sure I have a few annoying habits and rituals, but they don't affect anyone but me. I also do a couple of repetitive things like walking back and fore, which may look a little strange, but it calms me, its called 'stimming'. But because my mind/brain processes things differently, this for me is a good thing. As a child I had a photographic memory, the trauma from Complex PTSD has affected this, but part of my memory is still brilliant. I also have a very high IQ which is a good thing. My only tricky areas are I have zero sense of direction for some reason, and I have heightened senses (light, sound, touch, taste etc...etc..). This is why I didn't like hugs or being touched as a child, and probably why I've never had a relationship with anyone. So for 2020 I will be kinder to myself. I hope everyone else will be kinder to themselves too.
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