Monday, 6 December 2021

Breath of life - 17th anniversary


Today, December 6th, is the 17th anniversary of my debut classical album, 'Breath of life'. I can't believe it was released 17 years ago in 2004. I'm really proud of this album, but I have a love/hate relationship with it. The hate comes not from the music, but from the MD of the company behind it, he caused so much trouble he almost ruined my career, but he was a paranoid schizophrenic who would later go on to kill himself, which is very sad. Even though he caused problems, I hope he's at peace. 

Not many people know this but there was a follow-up from this album and a second album was released, but it got pulled early on because I got ill and had to take a break. The 'Breath of Life' album was all about my classical voice and the different styles and sounds I can mimic and copy, and it mixed old and new styles together. It went down really well because it didn't have one bad review 😀 

This album is still available to buy as a CD, but I don't get a penny of the money as its officially discontinued! There is a chance that the second album could get re-released too 😀 Happy 17th birthday 'Breath of life' 😀❤