Rest in peace Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, also known as Pope Benedict XVI (16TH. Unfortunately former Pope Benedict XVI didn't make it into 2023, he died on the 31st December, at the age of 95. Pope Benedict XVI was the first German Pope in 1,000 years, and the first Pope to resign in 600 years.
Pope Benedict XVI took over from Pope John-Paul II.. This is a fascinating part of the Roman Catholic church history, as Pope John-Paul II, became Pope in the year of the 3 Pope's. After one Pope died, there was another Pope, but he died suddenly, only being Pope for a few months, then Pope John-Paul II was elected Pope, and he was Polish and grew up under communism rule and was around during the war. Then Pope Benedict XVI was also around in the Second World War, and he was German, and as a German child, he was in the Hitler youth group. Those 2 Pope's were linked to the war, but not in a bad way. It's like they were meant to be Pope's. It's as if God was trying to tell us something.
I know that they were controversial figurs, due to different issues, but I believe Pope Benedict XVI was a good honourable man, who admitted he'd made mistakes over the years, like how he handled the sex abuse cases in the church, but many organizations got things wrong, and we all have made mistakes throughout our lives; But I'd like to honour him, and pray for his soul. May he rest in peace. ❤