Dear David Cameron,
I am writing to you to find out what the UK government is doing about the situation in Gaza, and most importantly, what you are doing about Israel.
I was not only saddened today when I heard what the new Foreign secretary said, I was disgusted. He is clearly in the wrong job and needs to be replaced, as this is obviously too much for him. Saying the UN's vote for an investigation on Israel's war crimes is 'fundamentally unbalanced', and saying it would 'complicate the process by introducing unnecessary new mechanisms'. How dare this country tell someone else not to fight for and seek justice; especially when this country is partly to blame for this mess, due to its once former empire!
As we get ready to remember the 100th anniversary of the Great War, let us not forget the 'Balfour declaration' (letter), and why it is written. We didn't have the right to give away someone else's land, especially in the name of religion; as there are lots of Jewish people who don't support Israel because according to the Torah they were forbidden by God to have a homeland. They will get their homeland when their Messiah returns and gives it to them.
This government complains about Muslim extremists and says the Muslim community needs to do more to tackle the problem, then you have your foreign secretary make statements that clearly shows favouritism towards Israel, and makes people believe that you support Israel's aggression and mass murder. This type of thing will undo all the good and hard work of the Muslim community, trying to prevent extremism in the UK. Your very actions are helping the extremists radicalise more of the Muslim youth, which no one wants.
By showing any type of bias and favouritism towards Israel, you are saying you approve of their actions. To me and many other people, you are saying you support what Israel is doing, which includes the theft of Palestinian land and homes, the 'collective punishment' and their mass murder, to name just a few of the crimes that Israel is committing against the Palestinian people.
You come across as total hypocrites, especially when you compare your response to Russia and the current situation regarding the plane that was shot down. Especially when some people remember the time when the USA shot down an Iranian civilian airliner, over Iranian airspace, resulting in killing all 290 on board, including 66 children, and then refused to apologise for it. Did the UK call for all sorts of sanctions against the USA then?
I can fully understand that the UK is in a difficult position, especially when everyone considers Hamas a terrorist organisation, but they were democratically elected by the people of Gaza. When Israel says they are the smallest and only democracy in the Middle East, they are wrong (and lying, yet again), because that title would go to Gaza. You cannot assassinate democratically elected people, just because you don't like them or their beliefs, especially if you are calling yourself a fair democracy. Israel has to communicate and talk to Hamas, as Gaza elected them, this is something the UK government should know, due to its own problems in Northern Ireland and the IRA. Change can only happen through dialogue.
Some MP's have been repeating the Israeli lies, saying they are only defending themselves and, Israel has the right to defend itself! We the public (well a lot of us), are not stupid, we are aware of the propaganda and lies and we refuse to listen to them, as we can see what they are. What Israel is doing can not be called 'defending itself'! The Iron dome is defending Israel; in reality Israel is 'attacking' Gaza because it is Gaza who is trying to defend itself against Israel. Gaza has had to put up with Israeli air strikes since April, the IDF also killed two Palestinian teenagers who were just walking in the street, this was captured on video, then the three Israeli teenagers were killed, but Israel lied about that and claimed they had been kidnapped when they knew the boys had been killed, but that didn't stop Israel from lying to the world, and in response to the three Israeli teenagers who Israel said had been kidnapped, they used this as an excuse to arrest hundreds of Palestinians, beat them up and torture them, smash up people homes, pretending to look for three kidnapped Israeli's, they rearrested prisoners who had been released, they killed several more Palestinians, and this was before Gaza started firing any rockets into Israel. Then a young Palestinian boy got kidnapped beaten and burnt to death, by Jewish extremists; so just how is Israel defending itself?
The other part to this story is; Israel claimed they had two suspects wanted in connection with the three Israeli teenagers, and due to their policy of 'collective punishment', they blow up the homes of the families of the two suspects, even though they hadn't been charged or convicted on any crime. What type of justice is 'collective punishment'? Also, the three Israeli teenagers who were sadly murdered, were killed in the Israeli controlled part of Palestine/Israel, so it was down to Israel to make sure the area was safe, it wasn't even the responsibility of the Palestinian authority. There are far too many unanswered questions about those murders, most people would ask, why an earth would they be hitchhiking, but it is common in that part of Israel, and the boys would of known the rules, they would never of risked getting into a car with non Jewish people.
Under international law Gaza is still occupied by Israel, even though in 2005 they moved 8,000 settlers out, and moved 14,000 more settlers into the West Bank. Israel still controls Gaza's borders (along with Egypt). Israel also controls Gaza's coast, airspace, water supply (which is unfit for human consumption), they control Gaza's electricity supply (which it regularly cuts off), and they control Gaza's imports, exports and even their food calorie intake. Israel charges tax on anything that it does let into Gaza, and they don't allow all the aid to get in, this is inhumane, and it is unacceptable.
It is very wrong of this government to show any sort of support towards Israel and its actions. Israel has broken 77 UN resolutions, and sadly this country still shows support towards Israel. Saddam Hussein broke just 2 UN resolutions and this country went to war and has helped in destroying Iraq.
Did you see the protests in London and all over the UK and not forgetting the world. People have had enough of Israel's aggression and abuse of power. These demonstrations have so far been peaceful (thankfully), but this anger people have will soon turn to rage and even hate, and this government supporting Israel will only add more fuel to the fire, and it won't be long before the peaceful protests start turning into riots. We the people have had enough of witnessing these barbaric crimes. When you have the foreign secretary telling the Palestinian people not to seek justice, it makes the public angry. Any form of injustice, abuse of power or corruption, or even war crimes, must be investigated and justice must happen. This country should be doing all it can to support justice.
Every life is important and precious, no matter what your religion. Not one innocent life should be taken or harmed, and to describe someone as 'collateral damage' is beyond offensive, it is an obscene thing to say. Israel pays students to spread their propaganda online and attack anyone trying to raise awareness of these crimes, but who do the Palestinians have helping them? Who is there for the people of Gaza, it clearly isn't this government by your actions so far. All those innocent victims who have been murdered by Israel, they have lost their voices, and all the victims who are currently suffering, their voices are not being heard even though they are crying out for help, and some are screaming out for our help! We, the people, have a moral duty to give them a voice, to show them they matter and their lives are important. We will get judged on what is happening out there because we are witnesses to these barbaric crimes; remaining silent is not an option!
You cannot say Israel is not targeting innocent civilians, because they obviously are, why else would they murder 4 young boys playing football on a beach? Why would they blow up a block of flats killing dozens of people, when they were only after one person? Why would they bomb a café, killing people who were watching the world cup? Why would they bomb hospitals and ambulances? Why did they drop gas bombs on these civilians? Why did they use white phosphorus gas on them, which is illegal under international law if it is used on civilians. I could go on and on and on, but in the end, it is obvious why they are doing all the above, because they want to kill as many people as they possibly can; because this is 'collective punishment', and these people are being punished because they are resisting and standing up to Israel! Collective punishment is sick and disgusting.
I, as a British citizen (subject), want to know, what this government is doing about this continuing abuse of power being committed by Israel. Please don't say you are 'strongly' talking to them, because that clearly isn't working. This country needs you to publicly say that Israel's actions are unjust, wrong and this country does not support it in any way what so ever! You also need to show that you mean this by showing some sort of support towards the Palestinian people who are suffering from these crimes; like encouraging them to seek justice and (or) helping them become an independent state. This country needs to clean up its own mess, as this has been going on since the end of the second world war, and it is wrong and needs to be stopped! It goes against everything that is British and everything that Great Britain stands for.
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.
Yours sincerely,